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October 7, 2014

Life is good.

Dion is actually taking a nap today. Wow. He has been absolutely refusing to take naps during the day, I think it's just one of those phases that a toddler goes through. But he was laying on me and just fell asleep. He hasn't done that in months..and if you're a mom you know how amazing a feeling it is when your baby falls asleep on you. -Insert Sentimental Sentence here-
 I actually caught a picture of him on me and it pretty much sums up my life.

I have been so on it with filming and editing videos. I am so proud of myself lol Doesn't it feel good when you are productive and actually accomplish what you set out to do? Ahh, such a great feeling. I am excited to edit and post videos. I really love doing it and I am so glad that I decided to post that first awkward video two years ago. (Seriously awkward and so so painful to watch..haha)
It's so cool to be a part of an online community. I've even made a few YouTube Mommy friends. With every new subscriber I am more and more into it and motivated to put up even more videos.
I am hoping our channel becomes more and more successful.
Anyways...point is..

Mommy life is good..YouTube life is good. Life..is good.