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October 2, 2013

Eczema is not my friend.

  Waking up at 2 AM to a very cranky Dion is as not fun as it gets. He has a rashy bumpy dry something going on around his eyes, ocassionally on his forehead and other random places. The doctor said to keep it mosturized and to keep him from scratching ( which is nearly impossible). He woke up crying and fussing. Nothing would soothe him. We tried putting him back to sleep, I put some vaseline on his eyes, we even tried standing up and rocking him. Nothing worked!! He was just so irritable, rubbing his eyes. After an hour and a half of crying his head off he finally fell asleep in Richards arms ( at 3:45!!!) We ended up just putting him to sleep in the bed with us.Day by day it's getting worse..poor guy.
   After work Richard is going to get some aquaphor creme like the Dr. Recommended. I really hope this helps. I hate to see D so upset.