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June 11, 2013

Being a stay at home mom..

  I am so happy to be a Mommy. I speak for all mom's (I think..) when I say we have the best job in the world. Being a stay at home mom is a dream come true for me. Being able to spend everyday with Dion..watching him grow and do new things everyday is truly amazing.
   I love my son..of course I do but let's keep it real- some days are exhausting. He's sleeping great and most of the times, he's a good boy but sometimes "me time" is very much needed for us moms. It can be hard to not get time to yourself..taking that time is sacred and special to me because it doesn't happen too often. As much as I love being A mom I don't want that to be all that I am..( if that makes any sense) I still want to be my own woman. A woman that is also a stay at home mom.